Model Komunikasi Coaching Untuk Pasangan Pernikahan di Bawah Umur (Remaja) Akibat Kehamilan Pranikah
Anyone does not want a premarital pregnancy, especially when she is still a teenager (under 20 years. It has an impact on the physical and psychological things). This research aims to examine and analyze in-depth moral values in the form of beliefs, awareness, needs and explore the achievement of goals for premarital pregnant teenager for post-marital life, so that teenagers who have pressure from various parties because of premarital pregnancy and must undergo marriage at a young age can still gain a supposed role in their social life in the future, carried out through the intervention of a family coach, adopted from SCMR by David K. Berlo. This research method is qualitative with a phenomenological approach. The instrument that is used is an in-depth interview with a professional coach as a facilitator. Based on the results of the analysis that premarital pregnant adolescents who experience continuous coaching sessions will be more optimistic about the future because it rediscovers Needs, Values, Beliefs, Awareness, and Achievement of Goals as the guide to continue their life.
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