Reformasi Birokrasi Pengadilan Agama di Indonesia: Apakah hanya Sekedar Formalitas ?

Bustamin Bustamin, Muhammad Hizby Islami, Saadatul Magfhirah, Dian Pertiwi, Maizi Fahdela Agustin, Amrina Rasyada


One of the stressings of President Jokowi's government is governance to accelerate the achievement of bureaucratic reform goals contained in the 2020-2024 bureaucratic reform roadmap, especially related to clean and accountable bureaucracy, and excellent public services, it is necessary to build an Integrity Zone (ZI) in the Religious Courts (PA). The purpose of this study is to analyze the Implementation of the Bureaucratic Reform Policy in the West Sumatra Religious Court with research locations in PA Padang, Pariaman, Payakumbuh, Batusangkar, and Talu. Qualitative descriptive research methods. Data were collected through documentation studies and interviews. Then the data is analyzed through the stages of data collection, data condensation, data display, and finally conclusion. Based on the results and analysis of research, it shows that the implementation of ZI in religious courts in West Sumatra has not been well internalized due to several factors, namely (1) the leverage component consists of two, namely aspects of fulfillment and reform. The five research locus of PA Padang, PA Pariaman, PA Payakumbuh, PA Batusangkar, and PA Talu still focus on fulfilling documents only. So that the reform aspect does not occur significant changes in the dynamic organizational structure and so do human resources that are still lacking in Ber-AKHLAK (service, accountable, competent, harmonious, loyal, adaptive, and collaborative); and (2) the impact of ZI implementation on customer satisfaction by looking at the results of public satisfaction surveys and the corruption perception index is very good.


Policy Implementation; Religious Courts; Integrity Zone;

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