Peran Pelatihan Public Speaking Dalam Menumbuhkan Rasa Percaya Diri Siswa

Dewi Ambarsari, Martina Shalaty Putri


Communication is a key factor in the effective delivery of messages. Therefore,
every individual must possess the ability to communicate effectively and efficiently.
Public speaking is one form of effective communication that requires specific
skills. A lack of communication skills can hinder an individual's confidence when
speaking in public. Public speaking is often called "pidato" (speech) in Indonesian.
A speech involves delivering ideas or thoughts to an audience using clear, polite,
and understandable language. The ability to speak in public should be cultivated
from an early age, especially during schooling, so that students develop confidence
in expressing their opinions. Self-confidence is the belief in one’s abilities,
enabling individuals to remain unaffected by the opinions of others and to act in
alignment with their desires while maintaining happiness, optimism, tolerance, and
responsibility. The purpose of this study is to examine the role of public speaking
training in fostering self-confidence among students, particularly those at SMAN 7
Bekasi who have participated in public speaking training. This research employs a
qualitative approach and is based on field research. Data were gathered through
direct observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation analysis of books and
journals relevant to the topic. The research was conducted between March and
May 2024. The findings of this study indicate that public speaking training plays a
significant role in enhancing students' self-confidence. This is evident from the
positive changes reported by students after attending the training, including
increased courage to speak in front of an audience, reduced fear, and a noticeable
boost in self-confidence


Training, Public Speaking, Confidence, Students

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