Pengaruh Kualitas Akun Instagram @ipbprestasi Terhadap Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa IPB University
Information and Communication Technology is a primary tool to support
broader, more flexible, and inclusive communication. One application of
this technology is through social media, such as the Instagram account
@ipbprestasi, which provides content uploaded by the @ipbprestasi
Instagram account, students' achievement motivation, and the account's
influence on the student’s learning motivation at the IPB University
Vocational School. The issues addressed include the quality of content
uploaded by the @ipbprestasi Instagram account, students' achievement
motivation, and the extent to which the account influences IPB University
students’ learning motivation. This research employs a quantitative
approach using survey methods and questionnaires distributed to IPB
University students. The findings reveal that the quality of uploaded
content significantly impacts students' achievement motivation. Content
management utilizing the 4C elements of Context, Communication,
Collaboration, and Connection positively enhances students' motivation.
The conclusion of this study indicates a significant influence of the
@ipbprestasi Instagram account on students' learning motivation,
aligning with the Uses and Gratifications theory.
Full Text:
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