Peran Komunikasi Keluarga Dalam Pembentukan Identitas Sosial Anak (Studi di Desa Kertajaya Kecamatan Padalarang Bandung Barat)
The process of forming social identity does not occur automatically; it is
influenced by various factors, one of which is communication within the family.
Family communication plays a crucial role in shaping children's social identity.
Through effective communication, families can help children develop self-
confidence, social skills, and an understanding of the norms of social life. This
research aims to analyze the role of family communication in the formation of
children's social identity, identify factors that influence the effectiveness of
communication within the family, and provide practical recommendations for
parents and educators in supporting the development of children's social identity
through effective communication. The research employs a qualitative approach.
The findings indicate that the social identity of children in Kertajaya Village,
Padalarang District, West Bandung, is shaped by traditional family structures, the
parents' profession—primarily as teachers—and daily interactions that include
social support, empathy, and openness. Parents' roles as teachers enable them to
educate their children both at school and at home, integrating educational values
and discipline into the household.
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