Analisis Komunikasi Visual Pada Poster Sebagai Media Komunikasi Mendorong Jarak Sosial Di Jakarta Saat Epidemi Covid 19
Health campaigns about the covid 19 epidemic need to underlined as important
actions to prevent viruses that cause fever, coughing, shortness of breath, chest
pain and death. The health ministry and the local government need to move public
awareness about healthy lifestyle. This research has analysed the key elements of
health campaign posters in Jakarta. The Poster is still an active platform to tell
data, schedules, display information, to persuade citizen in Jakarta. This study
uses a qualitative approach, and uses case studies to visual analysis of local
content and national poster design in Jakarta. The results show that local and
national poster designs have different elements of the design, and it affects
different posters. The results show that local and national poster designs have
different colour, font, title, blank space, size and visual aids of the design results
that affect different posters.
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