Pengaruh Kesadaran Merek Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Minat Beli Sepatu Vans Di Summarecon Mall Kota Bekasi

Yusuf Asykur Julianto, Cundo Harimurti


The research method used is quantitative method. The data collecting method used is in the form of questionnaire and literature. The population of this research is the user/buyer of Vans shoes in Summarecon Mall Bekasi City. The sampling technique in this research is non-probability sampling with accidental sampling method. Sample is 100 samples. The data analysis used is double linear regression analysis using the help of IBM Statistics software 24 version. The result of this research shows that the effect of brand awareness has effect on the consumer purchase interest as 34,9%. Meanwhile brand image has effect of 38,1% on Purchase Interest of Vans Shoes. Brand Awareness and Brand Image affect significantly on the Consumer Purchase Interest of Vans Shoes in Summarecon Mall Bekasi City. The variable of brand awareness and brand image affect the variable of purchase interest simultaneously with the value of 0,436 or 43,6% which the 56,3% is explained by other factor that are not studied in this research.

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