Pengaruh Store Atmosphere Dan Hedonic Shopping Value Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Survei Pada Giant Ekstra Plaza Kalibata)

Naimatul Mafatikhah, Anita Maulina


These research aimed to analyze the influence of store atmosphere and hedonic shopping value towards customers’ purchasing decision at Giant Ekstra, Plaza Kalibata and the significance of the influences of these factors. The methodes used within this research was quantitative and the data were primary and secondary data collected from 170 respondents trough Hair’s Formula of Non-Probability Sampling and Accidental Sampling. The research objects were customers who shopped at Giant Ekstra, Plaza Kalibata. The data was processed using SPSS Version 25.0 through instrumental test analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, coeffecient of determination analysis, and hypotesis test. The result of the research showed that, partially, Store Atmosphere (X1) and Hedonic Shopping Value (X2) had positive and significant influence towards Purchasing Desicion (Y); and simultaneously, Store Atmosphere (X1) and Hedonic Shopping Value (X2) had positive and significant influence towards Purchasing Desicion (Y). Based on the result of the research, it is recommended for the Giant Ekstra of Plaza Kalibata to improve the quality of service and to maintain the store atmophere because customers decided to purchase goods because of the store atmosphere, and supported by the influence of hedonic shopping value or pleasure to increase the sales of Giant Ekstra, Plaza Kalibata.

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