Peranan Pengembangan Produk Dalam Peningkatan Volume Penjualan Pada Online Shop Jacquelle Beautee di Jakarta
Beautee's Online Shop in Jakarta" was written by Laras Yuniar CB117111072
Women are creatures who are synonymous with beauty, women always want to look beautiful
in various circumstances and always want to be the center of attention for those around them.
This is the reason why women like to beautify themselves by using a variety of cosmetics. The
phenomenon of changing needs and lifestyles caused by the development of this era has
spurred companies as producers to continue to innovate. Jacquelle Beaute is a Brand Online
shop that sells Beauty tools and Cosmetics products. To be able to compete and survive in the
business world, Jacquelle develops products to increase her sales volume. This study aims to
determine the stages that were carried out by Jacquelle Beauatee in product development and
the obstacles that exist in developing the product.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research with interview and documentation methods.
The results of this study are the stages carried out by Jacquelle Beuatee in product
development, namely: idea generation, idea screening, concept development and testing,
marketing strategy development, business analysis, product development, market testing, and
commercialization. As for the obstacles that exist in product development, namely: unstable
products, colors not suitable for Indonesian women, packaging not durable, promotion of new
products does not work properly.
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