iPhone User Consumer Irrational Behavior
The iPhone seems to have its own charm compared to other brands, especially for the
millennial generation, whose decisions are mostly based on their immediate environment. This
study aims to explain the existence of irrational phenomena that occur in iPhone users. This
research use desciptive qualitative approach. The data obtained comes from literature studies
and also observations. The results of the study explain that consumers who use Iphone have
irrational behavior, for example, there are Iphone rental services, renting screenshot features,
videos and reposting stories on Instagram, doing everything possible to be able to buy the
latest iPhone series products with excessive credit, taking pictures on the reflection of the
glass on purpose displays the iPhone logo. Conclusion on this research. The image and
branding attached to the Iphone is what causes phenomena to occur. Factors of irrational
behavior among Iphone users feel pressured and expelled from their community when they
cannot follow their surroundings.
Full Text:
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31334/jambis.v4i5.4559
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.31334/jambis.v4i5.4559.g2315
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