Analisis Daya Saing Ekspor Cengkeh Indonesia Di Pasar Internasional
Clove is one of the commodities that improve Indonesia’s agricultural export performance in November 2018. Besides having historical value, these spices have placed Indonesia as the largest cloves’ producer (FAOSTAT, 2014). To compete in the global market, the author intends to analyze the competitiveness of Indonesia’s cloves. The question of this research is (1) Does Indonesia have export competitiveness over cloves in the international market? the analysis method of this research used a Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA) method to analyze comparative advantage, Trade Balance Index (TBI) to analyze Indonesian specialties on clove commodities, Product Mapping to analyze competitiveness positions, and Diamond Porter Theory to analyze the competitive advantage of Indonesia’s cloves. The result of the analysis of comparative advantage using RSCA shows that Indonesian cloves have a comparative advantage. The average value of the largest RSCA is Madagascar by 0.99. The second is Indonesia with an average RSCA value of 0.81. Singapore was in the last position among the two competitors with an average RSCA value of 0.75. The results of the TBI analysis place Madagascar in the first rank with the highest average TBI value of 0.99, then Indonesia with an average TBI value of 0.64, and Singapore in the third rank with an average TBI value of 0.0039. Indonesia's competitiveness for clove commodities from 2013 to 2015 was in group A with Madagascar and changed in 2016 by being in group B with Singapore. The results of Porter Diamond Theory analysis show that Indonesia has factors’ conditions advantages related to natural resources, and weaknesses in human resources, science and technology, capital, and infrastructure. Other advantages are demand conditions, supporting industries, and corporate competition and then that entire are supported by external factors namely government factors and opportunities.
Keywords: Competitiveness, clove, RSCA, TBI, Product Mapping, Berlian Porter
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