Pengaruh Komunikasi dan Motivasi Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan PT Fit And Health Indonesia Cabang Cilandak Jakarta Selatan

Dikha Ikhsan Fauzi, Abdul Gofur


This research was conducted to find out and analyze how much the influence of
Communication and Motivation on the Performance of Employees of PT Fit and Health
Indonesia, Cilandak branch in South Jakarta.
This study uses the correlation method to see how much influence the independent variable
and the dependent variable. This study's population was 55 employees of PT Fit and Health
Indonesia, South Jakarta Cilandak branch, with the sampling technique Suharsimi Arikunto,
each respondent was given 26 questions using a Likert scale.
The results of data processing show that the influence of communication and motivation on
the performance of employees of PT Fit and Health Indonesia branch of Cilandak South
Jakarta is strong with a result of 0.844, meaning that the relationship between the two
variables is significantly influential on the degree of strong trust, and 71.3% of PT Fit and
Health Employee Performance The Indonesian branch of Cilandak in South Jakarta is
influenced by Communication and Motivation. While the remaining 28.7%% is determined by
other factors not examined in this study.
It is recommended that PT Fit and Health Indonesia branch of South Jakarta Cilandak pay
attention to employees from the dimensions of communication, motivation and employee
performance because it is the main thing that needs to be considered to improve the
effectiveness of a company.


Communication; Employee Performance; Motivation

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