The Influence of Timeliness and E - Servqual On Customer Satisfaction With The Delivery Service PT Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Express (Case Study Of JNE Express Mindi Customers In North Jakarta)
satisfaction with the delivery service of PT Lintas Nugraha Ekakurir (JNE) Express. The data
used was primary data which was collected through the distribution of questionnaires with a
Likert scale. The population in this study was 1,844,462 residents of North Jakarta. With
accidental sampling technique, a sample of 100 respondents was obtained from the population.
This study used a quantitative approach. Calculations and data analysis were performed using
SPSS 28.0. The results showed that partially (t test) Punctuality (X1) has a significant effect on
Customer Satisfaction (Y) as evidenced by tcount > ttable (4.234 > 1.984) and the coefficient of
determination (r2) of 43.5%. Partially (t test) E-Servqual (X2) has a significant effect on
Customer Satisfaction (Y) as evidenced by tcount > ttable (8.743 > 1.984) and the coefficient of
determination (r2) of 62.6%. Simultaneously (f test) Punctuality (X1) and E-Servqual (X2) have
a significant effect on Customer Satisfaction (Y) as evidenced by fcount > ftable (104.963 > 3.09)
and the coefficient of determination (r2) of 68.4%.
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