Strategi pelayanan Customer Service Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Jumlah Nasabah Tabungan di KCP BankMandiri Cinere Depok

Gladysa Gemintang Putri, Abdul Gofur


One way to attract customers' attention and form a good product perception to customers is to implement a marketing strategy, one of which is Customer Service. Placement as the act of establishing and communicating the key benefits of a particular product in the marketplace. Marketing strategic steps need to be developed in order to have a competitive advantage. Because of the competition between financial institutions and non-bank institutions that occured to get as many customers as possible creditors and gain a competitive advantage. This study used a qualitative approach with primary data in the form of interviews with research results. Customer service strategy in Customer service must ask customer needs, customer service listens carefully to customer desires, customer service processes appropriately and quickly to meet customer needs, customer service says thank you, customer service expresses his hope that customers understand the procedure, and if they have difficulties they can contact customer service again. Customer service barriers in serving customers sometimes do not understand what is said and explained so sometimes it has to be more than 2 times to explain and customers who are in a hurry who want to hurry up served when in front of CS so that in order to carry out service standards to customers it is not optimal then Customer service solutions in serving use persuasive sentences and approach so that customers are not rushed when they were in the office of customer service.


Customer service, Service, Customer

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