The Effect of Audio Visual Graphics in Perwali Implementation No 15 of 2016 on the Effectiveness of the Service Grant Recipients (Bansos) in the City of Bogor
Effective in the service is part of the duties of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN) relating to the relationship of output responsibility with the goals to be achieved. The greater the output produced from the target to be achieved, it can be said to be effective. One of the efforts to improve services by Staf Kesra dane Kemasyarakatan Setda Kota Bogor is by using the Audio Visual Graphic (AVG). The impact of improving services will provide motivation for other employees in the local government to do work more effectively and assist in the implementation of other local government programs. This research uses a quantitative approach emphasizing its analysis on numerical data (numbers) which are processed, while the type of research used is descriptive and exploratory research, that is the type of research used based on its function, then by statistical methods multiple linear regression methods note that partially Audio Visual Graphic (as variable X) which includes educational elements (X1), social (X2), economical (X3) and culture (X4), use of Audio Visual Graphic in the implementation of guardian No. 15 of 2016 only economic elements that affect the effectiveness of the service recipient of grants/social assistance at the district of Bogor, which is equal to 0.321.
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